

for light, darkness and colour in art and therapy




1. Name
With the name of light, darkness and colour in art and therapy and association is formed according to articles 60 ff. ZGB.


2. Objectives
The association supports the light, darkness and colour movement inspired by Liane Collot d´Herbois, through its own initiatives or by participating in other initiatives serving this movement.


3. Members´Assembly
The Member´s Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee at least once a year.
It elects the Executive Committee and appoints an auditor.
It approves the management report, the accounts and, if established, the budgets.
It votes on motions, the regular membership fee and changes to the statutes.
Decisions should be taken by unanimous consent; failing unanimous consent they will be taken by simple majority.

4. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of at least three members. It constitutes itself and manages the association business by consensus.
The association is legally represented by two members of the Executive Committee.

5. Auditor
The Auditor reviews annually the accounting and the reporting to the members´ assembly.


6. Membership
Any natural person that wants to contribute to the implementation of the association´s  objective  may become member of the association.



The executive committee decides on admission, which may be refused without giving reasons.

Membership ends with death, resignation or exclusion of a member. Resignation may at any time be declared by written notice to the executive committee. The Executive Committee may exclude a member without giving reason.

7. Funding
The association is funded               
a) by membership fees
b) by donations
The liability of the association is limited to its assets.

8. Dissolution
The association may be dissolved by vote of the members´ assembly with a majority of  two thirds of the members present. The remaining assets of the association shall be transferred to another institution with the objective of supporting activities regarding Light-Darkness-Colour (e.g. foundation, training).

9. Coming into effect
These statutes come into effect with adoption by the constituting members´ assembly on October 22, 2010. Adaptation of the name on September 15, 2012.


Dornach: September 15, 2012

Katrin Fichtmüller      Johanna Ryser      Béatrice Vianin

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